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volumi di preparazione alle certificazioni linguistiche

Cari docenti, ecco una selezione accurata di libri di preparazione agli esami di certificazione linguistica, un prezioso supporto per ottimizzare la preparazione dei vostri studenti. Buon lavoro!

Ready for A2 Key for Schools

Ready for A2 KEY for Schools contains 8 full practice tests for the 2020 revised A2 KEY for Schools qualification. The first two tests also include step-by-step guidance on how to tackle each paper, including useful tips for candidates ensuring exam success.

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Ready for B1 Preliminary for Schools

Ready for B1 Preliminary for Schools contains 8 full practice tests for the 2020 revised B1 Preliminary for Schools qualification. The first two tests also include stepby- step guidance on how to tackle each paper, including useful tips for candidates ensuring exam success.

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Ready for B2 First for Schools

Ready for B2 First for Schools contains 8 full practice tests and step-by-step guidance on how to tackle each paper, including useful tips for candidates ensuring exam success.

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Preparation for the Pre-A1 Starters Cambridge English Qualifications

Start! is part of a fun series of volumes to prepare students for the Cambridge English Qualifications for Young Learners exams. The series covers all areas of the YLE syllabus and allows students to take the test confidently. It is flexible to complement a general English course book and is ideal for both exam and non-exam students.

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Preparation for the A1 Movers Cambridge English Qualifications.

Move! is part of a fun series of volumes to prepare students for the Cambridge English Qualifications for Young Learners exams. The series covers all areas of the YLE syllabus and allows students to take the test confidently. It is flexible to complement a general English course book and is ideal for both exam and non-exam students.

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Preparation for the A2 Flyers Cambridge English Qualifications

Fly! is part of a fun series of volumes to prepare students for the Cambridge English Qualifications for Young Learners exams. The series covers all areas of the YLE syllabus and allows students to take the test confidently. It is flexible to complement a general English course book and is ideal for both exam and non-exam students.

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Nouveau DELF Actif A1

NOUVEAU DELF ACTIF scolaire et junior A1 propose une préparation en classe ou en autonomie de l’épreuve A1 du diplôme d’Étude en langue française.

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Nouveau DELF Actif A2

NOUVEAU DELF ACTIF scolaire et junior A2 propose une préparation en classe ou en autonomie de l’épreuve A2 du diplôme d’Étude en langue française.

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Nouveau DELF Actif B1

NOUVEAU DELF ACTIF scolaire et junior B1 propose une préparation en classe ou en autonomie de l’épreuve B1 du diplôme d’Étude en langue française.

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Nouveau DELF Actif B2

NOUVEAU DELF ACTIF scolaire et junior B2 propose une préparation en classe ou en autonomie de l’épreuve B2 du diplôme d’Étude en langue française.

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DELE Escolar A1

DELE escolar A1 es una colección de exámenes completa para preparar los Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE). Sus autores son profesores de plantilla del Instituto Cervantes.


DELE Escolar A2-B1

DELE escolar A2-B1 es una colección de exámenes completa para preparar los Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE). Sus autores son profesores de plantilla del Instituto Cervantes.


DELE Escolar B1

DELE escolar B1 es una colección de exámenes completa para preparar los Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE). Sus autores son profesores de plantilla del Instituto Cervantes.


DELE Escolar B2

DELE escolar B2 es una colección de exámenes completa para preparar los Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE). Sus autores son profesores de plantilla del Instituto Cervantes.


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