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The Goalkeepers Podcast

Podcast di inglese per la scuola secondaria


Do you believe that the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda are too difficult to achieve? Do you feel helpless when it comes to global issues like climate change or world poverty? If so, this is the podcast for you. One episode, one goal. And lots of suggestions to make small changes in our everyday life and get closer to each goal. Because lots of small individual changes can make a big world change. Remember, everyone can be a goalkeeper.

Level: A2+/B1

Peace, justice and strong institutions

Episode 15

According to the UN, 1 in 3 students has experienced bullying at school, and at least 1 in 10 children have experienced cyberbullying. To promote peaceful and inclusive societies you must have justice for everyone at all levels. Children who get bullied should have someone to tell if they have their phone stolen, a video taken of them, or nasty posts made about them online.




Good health and well- being / Clean water and sanitation

Episode 14

According to the WHO, around 829,000 people were killed last year as a result of unsafe drinking- water, sanitation and hand hygiene. Globalisation should make it easier to get clean water and medicine to the people who need it. Why was nothing more done to protect them?




Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Episode 13

Innovation is the future, but only where it is sustainable. Innovation means new inventions, but also finding new ways in which to do things. To achieve Goal 9, we must all become people who can promote, sustain and create sustainable innovations. Be inspired!




Affordable and clean energy

Episode 12

Energy consumption is one of the main causes of global warming and climate change: it represents 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions. And you needn’t think industries are responsible for all of them. We need to find new energy solutions, which reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, which is unsustainable.




Reduced inequalities

Episode 11

Inequalities based on income, sex, age, disability and culture continue to persist across the world. Even in sport. Since the first recorded Olympic Games, people have seen sport as the perfect means to bring people together. However, different groups of people have been victims of discrimination in sport for many years.




Gender equality

Episode 10

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), women and girls are responsible for over 75% of all unpaid care and domestic work. Gender equality has already improved a lot, but we have just lived through a global pandemic, which made things worse. We really haven’t finished the job yet!




Decent work and economic growth

Episode 9

Economic growth must be a positive force for the whole planet and create decent jobs while not harming the environment. We have to protect labour rights and once and for all put a stop to modern slavery. So, what must and mustn’t a job have for it to be a good one?




Climate action

Episode 8

Everybody in the world is experiencing the effects of climate change through new weather patterns, rising sea levels and extreme weather events. The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is certain that we all need to do something drastic to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions right now. What is your climate action plan?




Partnerships for the goals

Episode 7

In September leaders are meeting to discuss their progress with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. How can people work together to reach all the SDGs by 2030? Maybe donate or raise money, volunteer, buy products with the FairTrade label, stay informed.




Responsible production and consumption

Episode 6

The UN reported that the fashion industry is the second most polluting industry in the world. Despite this, fast fashion is predicted to be worth over 200 billion dollars by 2030. What are the consequences for the people and the environment we don’t do enough to protect?




Sustainable cities and communities

Episode 5

The world’s population is constantly increasing. To accommodate everyone, we need to build modern, sustainable cities. What are they? How can we achieve them? One of the targets is to create effective transport systems. Our great-grandparents could walk and cycle to work and school. Why couldn’t we?




Life below water / Life on land

Episode 4

In 2021 each person on the planet produced on average 7.6 kg of e-waste. Over 80% of it went to landfill, so toxic substances such as mercury were likely to end up in our land and water. What are the consequences for your life and future generations?




No poverty / Zero hunger

Episode 3

According to the UN, nearly 1 in 3 people in the world don’t have regular access to good food. Yet homes, shops and restaurants waste 931 million tonnes of good food each year, 570 million tonnes of this is just from our homes! Do you hate wasting food? Why?




Quality education

Episode 2

What are you doing at the moment? Are you getting quality education at a school or college? Yes, you are. Then you are one of the lucky ones because there are 244 million children around the world who can’t go to school. What’s going on?




What’s the 2030 Agenda?

Episode 1

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda represent a call for action to change our world. What do you do to try to make the world a better place? Does it work?

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