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- Martha and the Tiger Party
Martha and the Tiger Party
First ELI Readers | Original
Jane Cadwallader
Tessa is a very active sabre-toothed tiger! When she finds out there is a tiger birthday party she is very excited and ready to go straight away.
However, the other animals feel she should definitely clean up first! Martha and friends help her to have a bath, brush her hair and clean her teeth before they all set off together. On the way Sancho the squirrel and the communal present fall into the muddy river. Who is going to rescue them?….And at what cost? The importance of hygiene is one theme of this story. The other is that we should always give a helping hand when we can.
Vocabulary areas
everyday hygiene, parts of the body,
sports and leisure verbs
Grammar and structures
Present simple
Present continuous
Has / Have got
Can for ability
Like / love + verb -ing
Helping others | Health | Collaboration
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