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One Photo, a Thousand Words
Speaking English with pictures
A collection of 75 large photo cards, chosen to encourage an exchange of opinions and class discussion.
75 photos which illustrate environmental, social and personal themes and encourage students to speak, interact and exchange opinions with others. Students improve their comprehension, oral production and interactive skills in an interesting and stimulating way.
These cards are ideal for both group and pair work, and they can be used in online lessons.
On one side of each card there is:
• a photograph which illustrates a theme; the other side contains:
• a series of questions pertinent to the depicted theme;
• a list of vocabulary and suggestions which can be used to answer the questions and stimulate discussion;
• discussion topics for in-depth discussions at a more advanced level.
The box contains:
• 75 large photo cards
• a guide containing suggestions and learning paths
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Configurazione e acquisto
One photo a thousand words One photo a thousand words
ISBN: 9788853634009
€ 19,90
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