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- PB3 and the Bees
PB3 and the Bees
200 headwords | A1 | Starters
Jane Cadwallader. Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali
PB3 and Robin land on Earth to escape the terrible OOs who are chasing them in another spaceship.
They are very surprised to find some beautiful creatures. They are soft and have got wings and black and yellow stripes. They are bees! Some Earth children are telling them all about the importance of bees when they hear the roar of a tractor. An ecological disaster is about to happen.
Vocabulary areas
The world around us, animals, parts
of the body (animals)
present simple
present continuous
prepositions of place
and movement
can / can’t
there are / aren’t
have got.
Look out!
What’s the matter?
Look behind you!
Can I try?
Poor bees!
I’ve got an idea!
Caring about nature and the environment | Finding creative solutions to a problem | Friendship and loyalty
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