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- Katie’s Happy Holiday

Katie’s Happy Holiday ELI
100 headwords | below A1 | Starters Original
Jane Cadwallader. Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali.
Katie has some very special friends…
They are the toys who live in the Land of Forgotten Toys. In this story they invite Katie to go with them on holiday. But, as usual, Katie and her friends are soon involved in an exciting adventure.
Vocabulary areas
Toys, sport and leisure, clothes,
feelings, food, the world around us
Grammar and Structures
Present simple
and continuous
Has got
Singular and plural nouns
Can for ability
Too (big)
Like + vb + ing
Me too / so do I
Question words: Where, Who
Let’s …
Come with us!
Oh dear!
You can do it!
Oh no!
What a happy holiday!
Fun | Sharing | Helping | Solving problems
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Configurazione e acquisto
Katie's Happy Holiday + ELI LINK
ISBN: 9788853634481
€ 7,40
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Niveau 3 | A1.1 | Originaltext
Jane Cadwallader. Illustrationen von Gustavo Mazali.
PB3 und der Fisch
Illustrationen von Gustavo Mazali.
Jane Cadwallader
Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge
Nacherzählung und Übungen von Lisa Suett. Illustrationen von Ilaria Urbinati.
Guida Menù Geografia 1-2-3 / 4-5
Risorse didattiche
Emanuela Capossela - Michela Zermian