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- Rumbledumble and the Storm
Rumbledumble and the Storm
200 headwords | A1 | Starters
Jane Cadwallader
Some children help their parents to learn that, although we are different, we can all help each other.
Most of the people in the village don’t like Rumbledumble. He’s very big and a bit scary. The only ones who aren’t scared are the children of the village who often go to his house to play. It takes a storm to change things. How? What happens? Read and find out!
Vocabulary areas:
The weather, work, rooms of the house, furniture, feelings
Present simple
Present continuous
Prepositions of place and movement
There is / are
A bit (scary)
Thank you / Thank you very much
Be careful
Hold … for me please
In fact…
What a mess!
Oh, great!
Climate | Friendship | Bravery
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Rumbledumble and the Storm
ISBN: 9788853643827
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Stage 1 - 100 headwords - below A1 - Starters - Original
Jane Cadwallader - Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali
Il gioco del quartetto
Lessico e strutture linguistiche
Un’avventura pericolosa
Inclusione, istruzione di qualità, lotta contro il cambiamento climatico
Roberto Melchiorre
Mistero alla fattoria Giallogirasole
Altruismo, amicizia, collaborazione
Maria Giuliana Saletta
Torno topodomani
Rispetto degli animali, empatia
Carmine Spera