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- Harry and the Sports Competition
Harry and the Sports Competition ELI
Stage 4 - Young ELI Readers - below A2
Jane Cadwallader - Illustrazioni di Gustavo Mazali
Harry is the very last person to volunteer for a sport competiton! In this story our reluctant hero braves golf and volleyball to come out tops (to everyone’s surprise!).
Harry and his three friends are selected to take part in the Police Sport Competition. They arrive at the luxury hotel by the sea where the competition is to take place. Everything seems normal ... but something strange is going on at the hotel.
- Games and language activities
- An audio recording of the story and the song
- A picture dictionary
Vocabulary areas
Sports and leisure, time, clothes and materials, work, the world around us
Grammar and structures
Past simple
Past progressive
Present perfect
Will ...
Going to ...
Tag questions
Verbs + infinitive / ing form
When clauses
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Configurazione e acquisto
Henry and the Sports competition
ISBN: 9788853631626
€ 7,40
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