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- Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

Aladdin and the Magic Lamp ELI
Stage 1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Classic
Anonymous - Retold by Jane Cadwallader. Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali
Aladdin is a poor boy who plays all day long in the streets with his monkey, but something will change his life.
Aladdin loves Bulbul but his love is impossible. She is a princess and he is just a poor boy. But the magic lamp of a bad magician changes everything and helps Aladdin to get what he wants. Well, that’s what he thinks! The bad magician has other ideas!
Vocabulary areas
The home, animals, numbers, fruit,
the world around us
Grammar and structures
Present simple, Present continuous,
Prepositions of place, Question words,
Let’s, Like + v + ing, Adjectives of
description and feeling
Friendship | Fantasy | Good and bad | Persistence
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Niveau 2 | A1 | Originaltext
Jane Cadwallader. Illustrationen von Gustavo Mazali.