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My Bolivia! ELI
Illustrated by Matteo Piana.
Stage 4 400 headwords | A2 | Flyers | Real Life
Wilma Suarez-Paolo Trevisanato
Meet Ricardo, his family and friends.
Meet Ricardo, a young boy from Bolivia who wants to tell you about his homeland and what life is like
in a small Bolivian village. Then join Ricardo and his friends from Santa Cruz as they go on a fun day trip to
the ‘Pajcha’ waterfall!
Grammar and structures
Past simple (regular and irregular
verbs), Past continuous, Present
perfect simple, Will, Comparative
and superlative adjectives, If and
When clauses (in zero conditionals),
verb + infinitive, make something +
In this Reader you will find:
Games and language activities | An audio recording of the story | A picture dictionary
Valuing other cultures | Friendship | Citizenship | Story telling
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Configurazione e acquisto
My Bolivia! - Young ELI Readers - 32 pages | Word count 1200
ISBN: 9788853623973
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