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English Championship can be used by the teacher in the classroom or at home to challenge friends in a fun test of general knowledge to

figure out who is more familiar with the English language and culture of the English-speaking world via questions about history, culture and traditions, geography, civics, common expressions, nature and free time.


The game helps to familiarise students with the language and culture of the English-speaking world, to expand their range of vocabulary and knowledge via interesting questions. It also helps with the learning process, revision and correct use of language and grammar structures related to specific topics.


The game includes a playing board with a track marked with the five colours of the Olympic rings: red for Culture (art, music, cinema, literature); green for Geography; black for History (traditions, school, social education and road safety); yellow for Healthy Living (free time, food for a healthy diet and lifestyle, sport); blue for Nature (science, animals, technology, astrology). It also includes 132 cards divided into two different levels of difficulty: red cards for easier questions and blue cards for more difficult questions, a dice and 60 coloured counters.


All of the cards can be easily used, without changing them, to create a fun and engaging quiz game. Therefore, English Championship maintains the goal for which it was designed, even if it is used during online classes and courses.

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Configurazione e acquisto

English Championship

ISBN: 9788853613721

€ 16,90
Acquista su Ilpiacerediapprendere

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