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Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Europass
R. L. Stevenson
Il volume contiene materiale e risorse adatte per una didattica digitale integrata
Mr Utterson, a lawyer, is upset by reading the last will of his old friend and client Dr Henry Jekyll. The doctor wants a certain Edward Hyde to inherit all his possessions if he disappears. But who is this man? The murder of a distinguished gentleman leads to him. What is the secret that lies behind the surface? Will good prevail in the end?
Stevenson’s novel is one of the best expressions of the Victorian compromise between appearance and reality.
Adattamento di Paola Guglielminetti con la collaborazione di Diana Anthoney
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Versione digitaleDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
ISBN: 9788867063031
€ 8,10
VolumeDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
ISBN: 9788841642849
€ 9,90
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