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The Hound of the Baskervilles Europass
A. C. Doyle
Il volume contiene materiale e risorse adatte per una didattica digitale integrata
A monstrous creature has haunted the House of the Baskervilles for generations. They are under a curse and the wild moor is an unsafe place for them. Sir Charles has died and Sir Henry, his heir, is in danger. Who wants to kill him? Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Dr Watson will find out the criminal and the real nature of the monster. Holmes approaches the crime as a scientist would, while Watson draws conclusions based on his feelings. Reason and emotions: this is the mix of this exciting story.
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Versione digitaleThe Hound of the Baskervilles
ISBN: 9788867062782
€ 8,10
VolumeThe Hound of the Baskervilles
ISBN: 9788841643228
€ 9,90
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