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- The Kid from Kabul
The Kid from Kabul
800 headwords | A2 | Flyers/Key
Sarah Gudgeon
Aarash has to leave his home city of Kabul in Afghanistan and move to England with his mum and younger sister. Will he adapt easily to his new life or will he have some difficulties? Read and find it out.
Aarash and his family go to live with Uncle Naz. Everything is new and confusing for Aarash and he misses his old life. There are more problems for Aarash when he starts school but luckily he also finds a new friend there, Tim. Will Uncle Naz and Tim be able to help Aarash adapt to his new life or will he feel sad and lonely forever?
Topics Immigration -Gender equality -The right to education -Diversity -Culture and language -Tolerance Verbs Positive and negative imperative forms-Present simple-Present continuous- Past simple regular and irregular forms-Past continuous-Present perfect simple-Future with going to and will-Modals (can/ can’t, could/ couldn’t, have to/ don’t have to, had to/ didn’t have to, must/mustn’t need to/ don’t need to) Adjectives Absolute forms Comparative and superlative forms Adverbs Regular and irregular forms
Bullying | Family | School | Friendship
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