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Discover B2 First for Schools ELI
Upper Intermediate - Common European Framework: B2
Rhiannon Ball - Simara Dal’Alba - Joyce Gomes - Monica Bicalho
DISCOVER B2 FIRST for Schools combines graded and detailed language development with thorough exam preparation for all parts of each Paper.
It teaches the essential skills for building confidence to excel in the revised exam. Exam-specific sections with verb tables, phrasal verbs, collocations, etc. to build students’ vocabulary
- Beautiful design, clear layout and engaging content to motivate the students to study
- Comprehensive video material for the Speaking Part providing realistic models for students’ own production Exam tips to give step-by-step guidance
- Extensive grammar bank with practice to strengthen students’ knowledge of the language
- ELI Link, the app which allows students to listen, watch and practise when and where they need it
- Discover B2 FIRST for Schools Digital Book, the interactive version of the course
Updated for the revised 2024 exam!
Accedi ai contenuti digitali direttamente dal libro cartaceo
Come funziona ELI LINK
Con ELI LINK potrai accedere a tutti i contenuti audio e video direttamente da uno smartphone o un tablet mentre stai utilizzando i volumi cartacei Gruppo Editoriale ELI.
- Scarica l’app
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- Inquadra la pagina che contiene i contenuti audio/video
- L’app proporrà tutti i contenuti presenti
Configurazione e acquisto
Discover B2 First for SchoolsStudent’s Book + Workbook + Digital Book + ELi LINK App
ISBN: 9788853641625
Teacher’s guideTeacher’s guide + Digital book + Online resources
ISBN: 9788853641632
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