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- Dubliners
Stage 4 | Upper-Intermediate | 1800 headwords | B2 | FCE | Classic
James Joyce. Adaptation and activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan. Illustrated by Martina Merlini.
Joyce’s first major work, written when he was only twenty-five, brought his city to the world for the first time.
An ambitious mother, a boy in love, a lonely older man, a cynical intellectual and a girl who dreams of a life in another country are just a few of Joyce’s Dubliners. In these realistic tales, Joyce reveals the hopes, fears and disappointments of his characters. He also shows us turnof- the-century Dublin in fascinating detail. This selection of eight stories from Dubliners includes Eveline, Araby and a two-part adaptation of Joyce’s novella, The Dead.
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Dubliners - Young Adult ELI Readers
ISBN: 9788853632500
€ 9,90
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Autori: I. Martínez Rivero