© 2025 ELI Srl - P.IVA 00389280421

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz ELI

Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Classic

CD Multi-ROM 14,8x21 cm, 32 pages


L. Frank Baum - Retold by Jane Cadwallader. Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali.

Can you imagine being whooshed away by the wind to a magic land of witches and strange characters?

Have you ever met Munchkins or Winkies or monkeys with wings and an all powerful wizard? This is the story of how Dorothy made some wonderful friends in a magic land and how she tried to get back home to Kansas. Did she manage? You’ll have to read the story to fi nd out!


Friendship | Fantasy | Courage and persistence

In this Reader you will find:

Games and language activities | An audio recording of the story | A picture dictionary


Vocabulary areas

Colours, clothes, parts of the body, directions

Grammar and structures

Present simple, Verb + infi nitive, Must and have to

for obligation, Determiners: some - any, Adjectives of

description and feeling, Prepositions of place

The Multi-ROM CD that accompanies the Young ELI Readers adds a new, digital dimension to reading in class with an interactive whiteboard (IWB), to reading in the school multimedia centre or to reading at home on the PC.

The Multi-ROM CD allows children to:

• follow fun animations of the story;

• listen to the recordings on either a conventional CD player or a PC;

• do engaging, interactive and auto-correcting exercises.

Now with more exciting new features:

• A flip-though version of the entire book.

• A “karaoke” function that highlights the text as the recording is played.

• An interactive game.

• A “Record” function that allows children to record their own voices and practise pronunciation and intonation.

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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

ISBN: 9788853631312

€ 7,40
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