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- The Canterville Ghost
The Canterville Ghost ELI
Stage 3 300 headwords | A1.1 | Movers | Classic
Oscar Wilde. Retold by Jane Cadwallader. Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali.
Do you believe in ghosts? Well, the Otis family didn’t until they met the Canterville Ghost.
This is a story of life and death and love … of a ghost trapped in the present because of the bad thing he did in the past and how a young girl helps him to move on.
The Supernatural | Human values
In this Reader you will find:
Games and language activities | An audio recording of the story | A picture dictionary
Vocabulary areas
Time, family and friends, the home, weather
Grammar and structures
Present, present continuous, past
Verb + infinitive
Descriptive adjectives
Prepositions of place
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