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- Granny Fixit and the Ball
Granny Fixit and the Ball ELI
Stage 1 - Young ELI Readers - below A 1
Jane Cadwallader - Illustrazioni di Gustavo Mazali
‘The small dog has the football!
The small dog has the football!
Granny Fixit, can you fix it?
Granny Fixit, can you fix it?
Can you get the ball for Paul?’
This is a story about Granny Fixit and a boy who loses his ball. There’s a skateboard chase through the town when a dog, a cat and then a squirrel take the ball. Can Granny Fixit get the ball back for the boy?
Vocabulary areas
Sports and leisure, transport, animals,
adjectives to describe feelings
Grammar and structures
Present simple, Present progressive,
Imperatives, Have for possession,
There is / There are, Can for ability,
Question words: what? / where? / who?,
Conjunctions: and / but
Friendship | Adventure | Magic
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Granny Fixit and the Ball
ISBN: 9788853631121
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