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- The Selfish Giant
The Selfish Giant ELI
Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Classic
Oscar Wilde - Retold by Lisa Suett. Illustrated by Allegra Agliardi
Why doesn’t summer come to the Giant’s garden? Find out how the Selfish Giant changes and learns about friendship.
A Giant lives in a castle with a beautiful garden. But the Giant is selfish and wants it all to himself. He doesn’t want the children to play in his garden. Winter comes and never leaves until... something happens and the Giant learns about love and sharing!
Vocabulary areas
seasons, nature, adjectives, feelings
Grammar and structures
Present simple, Present continuous,
There is / There are, Prepositions
of place, Possessive ‘s, Adverbs of
Friendship | Sharing | How to treat others
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