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My Name is Ça Depend
Stage 4 400 headwords | A2 | Flyers | Real Life
ActionAid International Italia
Ça Depend lives in the Congo. He’s a happy children who loves going to school. What about you? How is your life different from his? How is it the same?
Join Ça Depend, a young boy from the Congo. Discover his country, in the heart of Africa, and the reality around him. Follow his daily journey between his family, friends and school as he tells us his dreams for a his future life.
Vocabulary areas
Nature, food, animals, family, school Grammar and syllabus
Present simple passive, Past simple
(regular and irregular verbs), Past
continuous, Present perfect simple
If and when clauses (in Zero conditionals), Will for future,
Superlative adjectives, Adverbs of frequency,
Be made of/from
In this Reader you will find:
Games and language activities | An audio recording of the story | A picture dictionary
Valuing other cultures | Friendship | Citizenship | Story telling
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Configurazione e acquisto
My Name is Ça Depend - Young ELI Readers | 32 pages | Word count 1280
ISBN: 9788853624000
Fuori catalogo
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Autore: R.A. Rizzo