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- The Ant and the Grasshopper

The Ant and the Grasshopper
Illustrated by Beatrice Cerocchi
Stage 1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Fairy Tales
Ant house is small and very nice. In summer it’s cool and in winter it’s warm. Grasshopper hasn’t got a house. She lives outside. She doesn’t think about winter. She likes singing! She sings all day!
It’s very hot in summer but the ant works hard. Grasshopper doesn’t like working. She prefers singing. But then winter arrives and it’s very cold. Ant has got lots of food. Her house is warm and nice. Grasshopper knocks at the door. She’s hungry. She doesn’t want to sing and dance now!
Vocabulary areas
fruit and vegetables, food,
the weather and the seasons
Grammar and structures
Present simple – positive, negative
and interrogative forms - Present
continuous (not with future reference)
- Like + v + -ing - Determiners – a,
an, the, some, these - Can for ability -
Conjunctions (and, or) - Possessive
adjectives (his, her)
Comparing routines/habits | Nature
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The Ant and the GrasshopperTHE ANT AND THE GRASSHOPPER
ISBN: 9788853631183
€ 7,40
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