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- The Rocket Book

The Rocket Book
300 headwords | A1.1 | Movers
Jane Cadwallader. Based on the story by Peter Newell
The rocket brings the families who live on 15 Cherry Drive together and makes them into a community.
Can’t miss this reader based on a story called The Rocket Book by Peter Newell originally published in 1912. Number 15 Cherry Drive is a normal house in a normal town. The people who live there don’t really take any notice of each other, except for formal greetings. All this is going to be different when Mr. Popper’s son Michael sets off a rocket in the basement which moves up through the house, changing people’s lives.
Vocabulary areas Family and friends, clothes, the body and face, materials, food and drink, toys, ordinal numbers (ground, first, second, third, fourth etc)
Language Past simple-Past continuous and-Interrupted past continuous-Present perfect-Will-Conjunctions-Before / after clauses-Make somebody + adj-Be made of
Be good / not good at s.t-Right / left
Expressions Good morning /afternoon / evening-Lovely weather we’re having!-It looks like it’ll rain today!-Let me …. and see what happens!-Oh my!-What a …….!-
Hmm …Hooray!-That’s a fantastic idea!
Relationship | Family | Everyday Life
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