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London no return Europass
M. Rose
Il volume contiene materiale e risorse adatte per una didattica digitale integrata
London no return charts the story of Riccardo Gallo and his parents who move to London from Southern Italy in 1936 to start a new life. At only fourteen, Riccardo has to cope with the upheaval and hardship of the Second World War. The Blitz, rationing, racism and poverty are part of people’s daily existence. Just the same he never stops hoping that things will get back to normal and after the war he makes a big decision. This young immigrant wants to achieve his dream and become an artist.
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Versione digitaleLondon no Return
ISBN: 9788867063024
€ 8,10
VolumeLondon no Return
ISBN: 9788841645635
€ 9,90
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