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- Secrets from the Past
Secrets from the Past Europass
A. Terben - P. Terben
Il volume contiene materiale e risorse adatte per una didattica digitale integrata
Jennifer lives in New York City. For the Memorial Day weekend, she and her family go to the country to visit her grandmother, Harriet. There the teen finds love letters, a magical pipe, and a portrait in an old trunk.
Returning to New York, Jennifer learns that the painting is a work of art by the famous painter James M. Whistler. But a thief steals it in Central Park!
Who is the thief? Is it possible to retrieve the portrait? What about the pipe with its special powers?
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Versione digitaleSecrets from the Past
ISBN: 9788867063048
€ 8,10
VolumeSecrets from the Past
ISBN: 9788841645611
€ 9,90
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