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Tribal Voices: the Awá

800 headwords | A2 | Flyers/Key


Grace Lani

Don’t miss to read Little Butterfly - an Awá teenager girl – story and learn how she spends her daily life in the Amazon Rainforest.

The Awá know their forests like we know the layout of our home. Everything the Awá need comes from the jungle. Their shelters are made from tree branches and palm leaves. The trees’ fibres are used to create hammocks, and they collect honey climbing to the tops of the tallest trees. Sadly, the forest in which the Awá live is being destroyed and Little Butterfly wants everybody to know.

Topics The Amazon rainforest-Tribes-
Nature and animals-The environment-
Traditions-Human rights-Survival
Verb Forms Present simple and present
continuous-Past simple (regular and
irregular verbs) and past continuous-
Present perfect simple
Future with will
Common phrasal verbs
Passive forms – present and past simple
Modal verbs can, may, be able, could, need have to, must, should

Forest | Life | Deforestation | Animals | Traditions | Dreams

Configurazione e acquisto

Tribal Voices: the Awá Awa

ISBN: 9788853643926


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