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The Shadow Line
1800 headwords | B2 | First (FCE)
Joseph Conrad. Retold and Activities by Pauline Russo.
This novel shows the indecision and unpredictable side of youth compared to the wisdom of maturity.
Set in Asia in Victorian times, it is the story of a young sailor who is unsure of what he wants to do with his life. He is offered the job of captain on a sailing ship, a great responsibility, which takes him on a journey full of problems and life-or-death decisions. He crosses the “shadow line”, the boundary between youth and maturity, and realises that it is not age that makes us more mature, but life experiences.
Youth-Loyalty-Personal feelings and experiences-Adventure -Sailing and the sea -The supernatural -Eastern colonies in the Victorian era Grammar
Present and Past Simple and Continuous tenses Present and Past Perfect Simple and Continuous tenses Modals of obligation, Modal auxiliaries, Modals of deduction Passive forms - Gerunds
Youth | Sailing | Adventures
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