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The Debate is open! is a set of 75 cards to use in class for conversation between students at B1 language level.

The main aim of this material is to facilitate the natural process of learning the English language through discussion based on 30 topics. Each team has the opportunity to express and motivate their own point of view on the topics in a non-competitive context.

Key Features:
• The selected topics are those considered most suitable for stimulating students to talk about their own experiences, or identifying with various situations of daily life.
• It stimulates reflection, encourages critical thinking skills, promotes communicative skills and reasoning, enhances the ability to work in groups and improves public speaking.
• The teacher is free to choose the cards that best suit the language level of the students in the class, bearing in mind that some of them can also be used with A2 level students.

The box contains 75 illustrated cards divided into:
• 30 pairs of cards with pros and cons related to 30 topics
• 6 cards to facilitate the formulation of arguments or to give tips and advice
• 4 coloured cardboard cards to cut out and use to assign roles
• 5 cards that can be cut out into 30 playing cards for in-depth study and to review the topics

Teacher’s Guide
Instruction booklet with notes and teaching suggestions for using the cards.

Configurazione e acquisto

The Debate is open!

ISBN: 9788853643537

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