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Fairy Tales in Games
Vocabulary and language structures
Fairy Tales in Games is an educational and fun game which combines the telling of five traditional fairy tales with learning basic English vocabulary and grammar.
The game allows students to memorise the wonderful and engaging contents of the selected fairy tales and to learn or revise the vocabulary and grammar elements included in each fairy tale: Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, The Jungle Book, The Bremen Town
Musicians and Hansel and Gretel.
The game includes 132 cards: 125 cards with questions and answers (25 cards for each fairy tale), 7 Special cards, a playing board with 5 paths, counters, coins, and a dice.
The playing board full of details and the cards with multiplechoice questions make this game an excellent, fun and stimulating tool which can be easily used during distance learning. During online classes and courses, the teacher can coordinate the game and the related educational activities by moving the counters along the playing board.
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