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- A Tot of English
A Tot of English
Lower intermediate (A2-B1)
16 colour pages,
21x29.7 cm
5 issues (September-June)
The magazine presents an article for discussion and an illustrated comic strip dictionary which together introduce the theme and the grammar contained in each issue. Large photo posters and extensive articles give an insight into the most interesting elements of Anglophone culture.
Contenuti digitali integrativi - Studente
Contenuti digitali integrativi - Docente
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ELI Dizionario illustrato
Livello elementare - intermedio superiore
IL RAGAZZO DI CAPACI - La mafia raccontata ai giovani
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Autori: P. Caruzzo
Robin Hood
Stage 4 400 headwords | A2 | Flyers
Anonymous - Retold by Lisa Suett - Illustrated by Rita Petruccioli