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- Granny Fixit and the Viking Children

Granny Fixit and the Viking Children ELI
Stage 1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Original
Jane Cadwallader
Can the children save a baby whale on the beach with the help of some Viking children? (And a little help from Granny Fixit, of course!).
When the children go with their mother to a Viking archaeological site Granny Fixit organises an interesting encounter for them with some Viking children. Together they find a baby whale on the beach. Will they be able to help the baby whale go back to its mother in the sea?
Vocabulary areas
Family and friends, sport, the world around us
Grammar and structures
Present simple - Present progressive
- Have got for possessions - Can for
permission - Can for ability Expressions
Would you like to … / Let’s … - Thank
you – Ooops - Er… - Suddenly … -
Pronouns: I / you / we, my / our / your –
Too - Descriptive adjectives - Question
words: where, what - Look out! - Ah!
Help! - Oh! - Shh!
Friendship across cultural boundaries | Resourcefulness | Kindness to animals
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Configurazione e acquisto
Granny Fixit and the Viking Children
ISBN: 9788853631190
€ 7,40
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