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- Hooray for the Holidays!

Hooray for the Holidays! ELI
Stage 1 - Young ELI Readers - below A 1
Dominique Guillemant - Illustrated by Alistar
It’s summertime! Jack’ s going on holiday to the seaside with his grandma and grandad.
Jack is on his summer holidays. He’s at the seaside with his grandma and grandad. Alfie is Jack’s dog. He’s on holiday too! Follow Jack and Alfie in their fun adventures at the beach.
Vocabulary areas
At the seaside, colours, clothes
Grammar and structures
Singular and plural nouns with ‘s’,
Possessive form (’s),
Present simple (positive, negative,
interrogative forms), Have got for
possession, Can/Can’t for ability, Let’s
At the seaside | Free time
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